QRP INFO Newsgroups: rec.radio.amateur.misc From: adams@chuck.dallas.sgi.com (Chuck Adams) Subject: QRP ARCI The QRP ARCI (Amateur Radio Club International), a worldwide club for QRP'rs publishes a quarterly journal called the QRP QUARTERLY. the club promotes QRP contests, experimentation, etc. membership doesn't prevent you from owning and operating high power rigs, etc. QRP, as defined by the club, is 5 watts out for CW and 10 watts out for SSB and other modes. Membership is $12/yr and available by writing to: Mike Kilgore, KG5F 2046 Ash Hill Rd Carrollton, TX 75007 Other QRP clubs are Michigan QRP Club PO Box 80804 Lansing, MI 48908-0804 and dues are $7/yr G-QRP Group, United Kingdom group Luke Dodds, W5HKA 2852 Oak Forest Grapevine, TX 76051 $12/yr membership dues. This posting not an advertisement for the above (flame suit on). Just posting for information for those who don't have it readily available. The members and HQ staff would like to thank the following people for their contributions to this information file: K5FO Send any additional information or changes to mtracy@arrl.org. 73 from ARRL HQ.